Friday, July 8, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Quoth the Raven

Here is a video in which Eddy does not at all get the better of a raven at the Edinburgh Zoo.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A dijiniji by Any Other Name

I Google myself frequently, so I was not surprised by the results I found. What did occur to me while we were discussing was that there are tons of variations of my name (thanks, mom and dad!) by which people might search for me. While I have Google alerts set up for some of the most popular, I hearby vow to set up more alerts for other variations I brainstormed during class. I also am a firm believer that searching just Google isn't enough. I like to know how I appear in other search engines as well, namely, whether my professional site is appearing at or near the top of the results. It's not there yet in all of the search engines (mostly because of my recent name change) but it appears to be climbing.

I always keep my Facebook settings pretty strict. Which leads me to another inner dialogue about privacy settings I have been having lately. I usually keep one personal and one professional account with most social media sites. Originally, it seemed good to keep these things separate. Recently I realized that I never post anything controversial on either account--but it is still nice to have one account for professional contacts and one account for friends and family. I usually maintain the same strict privacy settings for my professional accounts as well. Does this hurt my online professional persona? Should I change my facebook, twitter and linkedin settings to be more public? I am uncertain and will continue to debate this amongst myself.

I also did create an about page, but I may or may not do away with it as I already linked to a welcome post about myself and the blog in my sidebar.

Decisions, decisions. Thanks for the awesome class, Rachel!