Thursday, December 2, 2010

"RSS" or "In which the Digital Ninja does not follow directions and then fails"

So I was completely naughty and instead of setting up a feed aggregator I put two feed widgets on the left sidebar of my blog. I already have a Google Reader account and I didn't want to create another account or add the TTP blogs to my existing account.

The first widget I set up was RSS for all of the blogs of the TTP participants. Piece o' cake! It will be great to keep up with everyone's blogs. Then I tried to choose a topic and find 8 related blogs. I decided my topic would be library humor because I am always espousing it as legitimate critique and discussion of the field (I am a dork). The problem was that I only knew of three library humor blogs off the top of my head and Google and Technorati searches didn't turn up too much else. At least not much else I was willing to put on my blog. I am somewhat saddened at the lack of quality library humor bloggery out there! Come on, folks! It's a funny profession!

Sidebars aside, I love my Google Reader account. That is, except when I visit and it says I have 1000+ posts to wade through. Why can't it just be honest and say that I have 3256 posts? I know Google can count that high. They are mathematicians! Also, when that happens, I have to deselect my feeds.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Second Blog Class Today

I am excited about the second blog class today. The first class went really well. I think some people were intimidated about blogging at first, but the best moment was when one of the students said, "This is really fun!"

Friday, October 22, 2010

First of the Blog Classes is Over

Whew! Think it went okay! Let's see how many student questions there are. I think on November 8th when I teach this course I might ask for a little more feedback during the class beyond just whether people have questions. How could I make it more interactive?

Also, next time, let's warn people ahead of time to know their cougarnet credentials!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Preparing for Blog Class Tomorrow!

Here is the delicious list I prepared for the blog class tomorrow. The full outline with links can also be found here on the TTP blog. Can't wait for class!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Which dijiniji is the Real dijiniji?

A good question. Especially considering I just made a Wordpress blog also called "dijiniji." But never fear! I just made that blog as a sample, this Blogger blog is the one I will actually use for the training program.

The Wordpress blog struck me as more customizable than the Blogger platform tends to be, but only if you are super technology savvy. Bloggers seems more intuitive and visual to set up, while Wordpress offers more advanced settings, but is intensely detailed.

Pick your poison!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Welcome to my UH Libraries Technology Training Program blog! I am the digital ninja (aka: dijiniji) and I will be using this blog to chart my progress in the Technology Training Program. You'll find all of my assignments, questions and reflections here.

Looking forward to the program!