Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Am I Too Lazy for Tagging?

I love the idea of tagging. I approve of colocation. However, I am also a wound-up librarian type. This means if I use tags, I feel compelled to apply them consistently and comprehensively to content. This means that I have to make a commitment and then devote a chunk of time to creating tags for all of my stuffs. Yes. I could just begin adding tags to all of my flickr uploads moving forward. Or, I could decide to add more robust tagging to my personal blog (which currently has more of a controlled vocabulary system). But I just can't do it! Tagging is too lax for me.

However, as I create new projects--new blogs, new flickr accounts, etc.--I find that I am becoming more open to tagging. I appreciate the potential value of tagging and would like to experiment more with it.

I am particularly interested in the Steve Project in which several museums got together to pilot a social tagging project in which users could tag museum collections. I figure museum people are wound up and if they were able to let go and set users lose with tagging, maybe I could chill out about it a bit. Just a bit. Maybe.